Relationships, boundaries and responsibility 2

I began writing about saying no. And I wanted to continue it. I said no. I actually said no. It's both strange, and awesome. Amazing that I put myself first. I was asked to do something really small. It wasn't really what I was asked to do that was hard. It was that she…

Journaling 101 22nd Sept 20

My head's hurting and I want to try and sleep but I need to get some stuff down. Really 2 entirely different points. I feel guilty writing on here when others may read and I've read about 3 posts from others in the past 3 weeks. (I usually read every post of everyone who follows…

Is honesty a negative thing?

On being genuine. I don't know if it's a good thing or not. I can't live with or handle anything at all incongruent. Or, I find it hard to reconcile. I had a workmate who became a close friend. Then we lost touch because she was so busy. She'd call me if she needed anything.…

How do you perceive the world?

I just wrote this. Not sure what I'm trying to say with it .. Sometimes I feel like everyone sees things so differently to me. I just saw a post on Instagram about fat phobia and my only thought was, but why would someone think or feel that way? Like obviously everyone likes everyone and…

How do you communicate?

On a forum someone was discussing communication. Whether you listen or offer advice. Whether you explode or stay calm. How about when someone is upset with you? What is your communication style? Communication. Not completely related there is an article on building friendships that skinnyhobit shared that is really amazing. If you struggle with friendships…

Why can’t people mind-read?

Why can't people mind-read? I expect them to. I expect them to know what I think and when they don't give me what I wanted - which I didn't specifically ask for but meant and intended - I'm really hurt and know that they don't care about me at all. Just been journaling and wrote…

Navigating relationships in my world

Navigating relationships. Well, I've titled the thread before writing anything at all. I know what I want to write about. I wonder if there's a point writing about it. If it will help me. Or anyone. Or if it will make any difference. If it can. Yesterday I went out with someone. I'd been on…