My sister forwarded this to me. So true…

Take care of yourself wherever you are…. remember, toilet paper will save you 🙂 I’m not sure why tissues, of all things, is what everyone is panic buying. If there is one thing I wish I could do, it would he to take away the panic. Which is one of the reasons I like sharing the humorous quotes about the corona virus. Not because I don’t know the fear. I live with some very susceptible people. But because fear won’t help. Even as I’m constantly worried that I have it or will get it. More afraid that I’ll transmit it to others. It doesn’t help that we haven’t stocked up enough either. But I know that we will hopefully come through to another side. With glitter, sparkles, and dance. Why’m I rambling? Wasn’t my plan…

Love, light, and glitter

23 thoughts on “How do different countries react to the corona virus? What should I think about Covid 19?

  1. I don’t think there has been a pandemic of this scale in living memory so we are all dealing with the unknown, even doctors. We will get through this, and some of us will get ill but this is a normal part of human life. Let’s hope that this makes us think more often of those most vulnerable to health crises on a regular basis not just when it frightens us. I never thought I would get used to living in a hurricane region but we are all stronger than we imagine. Lots of glittery hugs to you and everyone you live with. K xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. From you comes the answer, Eliza! The secret, really, is to remain positive, with a barely-concealed grin. Not a whole lot else we can do personally, except to remain sensible (which the mob, often, isn’t).

    With a chuckle, maybe we’ll end up showing this virus what-not. Better that, than to offer ourselves to its ravages with a glum resignation. Let’s not make it easy. Force pandemics to think twice before messing with us the next time.

    By the way, how’d the herd get the notion to go after certain items? One person started the craze, likely, then all the others followed. Had I gotten out in front of them, I could’ve had some real fun. Walk out the store with bags stuffed with pencils. Or protractors. Or, how about, bubble gum? You know, that really big jawbreaker kind.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I want us to buy all we need. Forgot about shampoo and deodorant etc. I’m way too close to panicking. But that is okay. And will be okay. I’m not actually afraid for myself.
      Love, light, and glitter

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I believe we’ll “band together” to help each other. Yes, some people will be irresponsible, but there will be people helping too. Like you, I’m more worried I’d transmit to others, including my elderly parents. As well as friends in the USA and UK. My government has taken this really seriously, as well as reassuring us that we have essentials and supply chains, but I think the USA and UK governments are being ridiculous.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Today people are helping which is really nice to see. The good that comes from it. Today I’m in work. Not sure what I’ll do tomorrow.

      Love, light, and glitter


  4. I know people are worried, but we should remain reasonable during such times. The first instinct is to protect yourself and your family and not to care about others (hence people buying all of the toilet paper and refusing to share with others). Shelves are empty not because we are low on products but because some people bought insane amounts of things for themselves.

    That video was funny. My friend mentioned the cheap flights yesterday. But I don’t think it’s worth the hassle. With borders rapidly closing, you don’t want to get stuck somewhere for who knows how long.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s true re travel.
      Shopping is a tough one… sainsburys on thursday are open for the first hour only for the over 70 or those with health issues. I love seeing the good that people do, too.

      Love, light, and glitter

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