Sitting with reality

Something just happened. It huts too close to home for me to write about it yet. And, I don't know how to handle it or what to do with myself. I don't feel anything for it would hurt too much so it doesn't yet hurt at all. Just sitting with itJust being with itThe I…

Random thoughts

I don't know if I should write this or not. But it's probably better to than thinking about it. Just a lot of thoughts coming together to create a picture. Yesterday I was telling my sister that my parents should have known I was physically sensitive. I didn't know this until a couple weeks ago…

Gratitude challenge: Day 12

Gratitude Challenge

Day 12: What and how did you overcome recently? The question reminds me of this song. Overcoming. I find the word weird. I'd love to hear your answers! The biggest thing I've overcome recently is living with an eating disorder. If the question wasn't recently I'd answer with something different. For the past couple of…

Gratitude challenge: Day 1

Gratitude Challenge

What moments are you grateful for?Write down three things that you are thankful for. Gratitude question: What moments are you grateful for?Gratitude challenge: Write down three things that you are thankful for. These can be answered any way wished. I'd love to see your answers... if you join please share your posts or link it…

Hello hello hello sir

I haven't messed up this week at all. No burning. No cocodamol to help me burn. Which, I was every day/evening until now. I don't want to jinx it. I'm not committing to anything, but, I like it this way. It means sleeping less - not been sleeping well, and at some point I have…

What is reality?

I often say things, say I think xyz, and, I wonder if it's true or not. Say last night I was writing that I want to trigger myself into using.I was wondering afterwards if I did want to, or if I was just writing that I did. If it was true or not. Because, I…


Moments Moments in time Everything is but a moment in time The moments The moments of peace Moments of chaos Moments of serenity Moments of danger Moments of light Moments of darkness Moments of joy Moments of fury Moments of calm Moments of panic Moments Life is but a moment. A moment i ntime A…