Day 15: What sounds are you grateful for?

3 birds facing different directions on the sand
I’m grateful for the sounds of birds as they sing,
For the trees as they rustle is the wind.

I’m grateful for sound of voices, with all the varied lilts and choices.

I’m grateful for all the sounds I do hear, for they all are so dear.

I’m grateful for the sounds of a childs laughter,

for the crashing of lightning of thunder,

Im grateful for the sound of a babys cry

for the water as it ripples by,
I’m grateful for the sound of the leaves as they flutter to the ground
For the pitter, patter of the squirrel as it comes around (Linda, I took this picture for you a long while ago).
I’m grateful for the sound of the ocean crashing
For the sound of rain falling
For the sound of geese hissing (hear the birds chirping?)
Of gulls and swans fighting
For the sound of a cat running

I’m grateful for all the sounds of life, though my favourite is nature and children. I learn from listening. I learn from stillness. I’m grateful for all the sounds I hear.

I was thinking of taking out those I don’t have pictures for (I do, but am not including family photos).

Gratitude challenge day 15: Write down five things that you like about yourself.

Hmm. I like my loyalty. I like my innocence, what people think of as naivety. I like how I believe the good in everyone. I like how I keep trying, sometimes. I like that I love knowledge and learning.

What are 5 things you like about yourself????

Love, light, and glitter

47 thoughts on “Gratitude challenge: Day 15

      1. I loved how you made it rhyming!
        i’m doing well … keeping creative and trying to spend as much time as possible with my siblings ❤ And it's such a beautiful day today … i may be able to get outside and walk!
        how are you?

        Liked by 2 people

  1. This is beautiful! Indeed the sound of rain is just so calming. I’ll also add the sound of happy cat purring away 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. This was a fun post Eliza 🙂 Okay, here goes:
    I like my empathy with others which allows them to reach out,
    I like my smile ‘cos from a little one I was always called Smiler.
    I like my legs, they’re my best physical feature.
    I like my ability to ‘fake it’ – I really don’t want people knowing that I have anxiety etc so I fake it when I have to
    I like my ability to carry on despite adversity and all the cruelty in our world
    Caz x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Caz! And thanks for joining… smiling is nice because it gives the world glitter…. faking is so important… although imagine there was no need for anyone to fake.. that would be awesome…
      Love, light, and glitter

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Like this one!
    If I have to choose, I love the sound of rain and soulful music.

    Five things I like about myself:
    1) My sincerity and spirituality
    2) My passion for teaching and ability to teach
    3) My positive disposition (usually… sometimes?;)) and my sense of humor
    4) My accepting nature
    5) My voice and my songs

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for sharing! I think you do have a positive disposition….
      Will I ever hear your singing?
      You know, you can make a journey/recovery not sure the right word cd. One day.
      Love, light, and glitter


      1. Thanks, sometimes when things get me down and life is rough I’m unsure if that sunny part of me was just a hoax, but then it usually resurfaces.. 🙂
        Probably not, but you might hear a recording – it’s just not the same.
        I did once compose and write a song about certain struggles, but I’ve never let anyone hear it or dare to actually studio record it – it’s too personal at this point.
        Don’t get the glitter in the places I’ve just cleaned 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  4. A lovely post! We don’t often compliment ourselves. At least, I don’t, so I’ll take your challenge. 1) I like my smile. 2) I like that I’m working on my master’s degree. 3) I like that I still dance like no one is watching. 4) I like that I have meaningful relationships. 5) I like my sense of adventure.

    Liked by 4 people

        1. Awesome degree to get! I’d love to read your memoir…

          I had to google why you changed it to an. Learnt something new today…

          Love, light, and glitter

          Liked by 1 person

  5. You’ve chosen well, Eliza – your words, your inspirations, and the photos which add texture. An enchanting exhibit.

    My favorite sounds? A stream meandering contentedly around rocks always captivates, but that choice is quite predictable. What else, then?

    The hum of distant traffic, as it represents a purposeful world making happy progress.

    The subtle whisper of snow blanketing and freshening the world late at night. Utterly calming.

    Many others are worthy of description, but these I regard as three of the best.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The traffic is a cool one. I’d never have thought of that…
      Traffic has virtually stopped. Which is both good and bad. Gives the world a lot of time for reflection.

      How far are you from a stream?


      Liked by 1 person

      1. A couple hundred meters, though it also is a hundred meters below me, as I’m at the top of a hill and it’s at the bottom. Plus, it runs alongside a major thoroughfare from the suburbs into the city, and even at night, pre-virus, traffic noise muted the stream.

        When I still lived at home, a brook ran just below the street at the lower part of our property.

        How about you, Eliza, any water near you? Of course, you’re not the one who’s been on about streams and such lately.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. What a great aspiration, Eliza!

            In part because it inspires memories of a superb park in our neighborhood when lived in suburban Chicago. The park even had houses for the ducks, and they’d come floating across the lake/pond when someone on the opposite shore had bread or grain to feed them.

            Liked by 1 person

  6. I like the things that you are grateful for Eliza. Ha ha – I was reading this post and saw this squirrel and thought “hmm – this guy looks familiar” – no wonder. I am glad you are grateful for squirrels at the park and out in nature because they make my day. I get a double dose of squirrels, the ones at the house and the ones at the Park. As a person who lost a pet and decided no more pets, too heart-wrenching when they pass away, and decided squirrels would be my pets, yes I am grateful for them. I am most grateful for the sights and sounds I see on my daily walks – this is what clears my head and keeps me sane. I am grateful for my neighbor, and her encouragement to start a blog since I used to e-mail or Facebook her to tell her what I saw everday. I am grateful she suggested doing this – I wish she was still alive to see how it is chock-full of photos and longer writing that when she was still here. Thank you for using this photo Eliza – any photo you want, feel free to take it okay?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. M is still with you and can ‘read’ your blog along with us all. I’m grateful she suggested it – cuz I got to meet you and join you virtually on your journeys. I went around the park again on sunday 🙂
      We don’t see nearly enough squirrels. Hey, I probably have some squirrel pictures on my camera from 7/8 years ago. Maybe I’ll see if I can find them one day. I have no clue if I do or don’t. We see ducks. There is a new duck. Kerry had a picture on her blog of the same kind. I thought it was a hen or something but it didn’t have the crown and she called it a duck. I wonder if it will be there on Sunday.


      1. I was hoping to see ducks and ducklings this Spring – every year I try for them – have not had any luck yet though. I hope you see it – love ducks as they are not ornery like the geese. Like to see them waddle too. Sending 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 back to you Eliza.

        Liked by 1 person

              1. Yes, I have heard that – yes I think you did. I think swans are regal-looking too, even though they tend to be mean … I had one chase me but I fended it off with … wait for it … peanuts! Happy B’day to you Eliza!

                Liked by 1 person

  7. I loved this! Right now we have a lot to be thankful for as long as we can stay healthy. Going outside and being with nature is so important. The birds and critters don’t care about social distancing. Images were perfect for your list. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  8. beautiful!!! I like getting out of bed each day, going to bed after a full day, that I try my hardest, that I take care of my loved ones, & try to care for myself ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks for joining… I really appreciate it….
    I love these coz they’re so true to my life too. Boundaries are the one I’m most grateful for- knowing I’m allowed them and learning to keep them.

    Love, light, and glitter

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Things I like about myself:
    My ability to stay strong in difficult times, my kindness towards nature, my drive to help myself and others, my smile, I am learning to not care what others think of me.
    I love this challenge… you’re inspiring so many people including myself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for passing by and sharing Anna! Yeah, I have to get on with it 🙂
      I love what you like about yourself …
      Love, light and glitter


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