I did this a couple of years ago and would love to do it again. I’ve searched and chosen 2 30 day gratitude challenges that I like. The first is about what you are grateful for, and the second is about doing things for others and yourself. I hope to do this over February and March. Not on Saturdays for with the days getting longer (yay to sunshine!) shabbat is out much later and there won’t be time. I’m thinking of leaving out Fridays too, but will see how much time I have before shabbat on Fridays (Shabbat is from Friday afternoon until after sunset on Saturday, when I aim not to use any technology or electricity etc). I’d really love to do this with you as I feel like it’ll be more fun, and I’d love to see your posts about this. If you do it, please let me know, or link your posts (or email your replies). Even if you only do it once a week :). I’d also like to do this for it’s a way of focusing on the positive and is more about spreading sunshine, glitter, sparkles and light than rambling. At the moment I’m really liking glitter, even in clothes!

I’m looking forward to starting this on the 1st or 2nd of February, or if worst comes to worst – since I’m really busy the next couple of weeks and may not actually have time – mid February.

Please join me!

What moments are you grateful for?
Who in your life are you grateful for?
What food are you grateful for?
What new skills are you grateful for?
What about your body are you grateful for?
What new item are you grateful for?
What smell are you grateful for?
What new connection are you grateful for?
What books are you grateful for?
What tradition are you grateful for?
What colours are you grateful for?
What and how did you overcome recently?
What season of the year are you grateful for?
What recent challenge are you grateful for?
What sounds are you grateful for?
Which new places did you see and love?
What in nature are you grateful for?
What invention are you grateful for?
What did you learn last year?
What role model are you grateful for?
What lesson are you grateful for?
What attribute of a person in your life are you grateful for?
What change last year are you grateful for?
What part of the day are you grateful for?
What was the best moment last year?
What voyage are you grateful for?
Where did you see unexpected beauty?
What in day to day life are you grateful for?
What talent are you grateful for?
What blessings are you grateful for?
Write down three things that you are thankful for.
Express gratitude to at least one important person in your life. 
Go one full day without complaining. 
Meditate for ten minutes.
Make an effort to smile more throughout the day.
Engage in a random act of kindness.
Spend thirty minutes practising self care.
Send flowers - or something nice, a small gift or anything - to someone you care about.
Write thank you notes (or some notes) to five people in your life.
Go outside and appreciate the beauty of nature.
Do something nice for a co-worker.
Recognise today as a gift.
List three things you like about your job.
Spend the day being an optimist.
Write down five things that you like about yourself.
Recognise three things that you usually take for granted.
Write about your favourite part of the workday.
Think of what you're grateful for before going to bed.
Sign up to volunteer for a day in your community.
Catch a coworker doing a good job and thank them.
Think of a way that someone helped you today.
Write down three things that you appreciate about your boss.
Notice positive traits about your colleagues.
Spend time with loved ones.
Think of something great that has happened to you in the last year.
Write a thank you note to a colleague.
Refrain from gossip or speaking negatively about others.
Compliment a stranger.
Express your thankfulness for life's hardships.
Start a gratitude journal

Gratitude challenge 1

  1. What moments are you grateful for?
  2. Who in your life are you grateful for?
  3. What food are you grateful for?
  4. What new skills are you grateful for?
  5. What about your body are you grateful for?
  6. What new item are you grateful for?
  7. What smell are you grateful for?
  8. What new connection are you grateful for?
  9. What books are you grateful for?
  10. What tradition are you grateful for?
  11. What colours are you grateful for?
  12. What and how did you overcome recently?
  13. What season of the year are you grateful for?
  14. What recent challenge are you grateful for?
  15. What sounds are you grateful for?
  16. Which new places did you see and love?
  17. What in nature are you grateful for?
  18. What invention are you grateful for?
  19. What did you learn last year?
  20. What role model are you grateful for?
  21. What lesson are you grateful for?
  22. What attribute of a person in your life are you grateful for?
  23. What change last year are you grateful for?
  24. What part of the day are you grateful for?
  25. What was the best moment last year?
  26. What voyage are you grateful for?
  27. Where did you see unexpected beauty?
  28. What in day to day life are you grateful for?
  29. What talent are you grateful for?
  30. What blessings are you grateful for?

Gratitude challenge 2

  1. Write down three things that you are thankful for.
  2. Express gratitude to at least one important person in your life.
  3. Go one full day without complaining.
  4. Meditate for ten minutes.
  5. Make an effort to smile more throughout the day.
  6. Engage in a random act of kindness.
  7. Spend thirty minutes practising self care.
  8. Send flowers – or something nice, a small gift or anything – to someone you care about.
  9. Write thank you notes (or some notes) to five people in your life.
  10. Go outside and appreciate the beauty of nature.
  11. Do something nice for a co-worker.
  12. Recognise today as a gift.
  13. List three things you like about your job.
  14. Spend the day being an optimist.
  15. Write down five things that you like about yourself.
  16. Recognise three things that you usually take for granted.
  17. Write about your favourite part of the workday.
  18. Think of what you’re grateful for before going to bed.
  19. Sign up to volunteer for a day in your community.
  20. Catch a coworker doing a good job and thank them.
  21. Think of a way that someone helped you today.
  22. Write down three things that you appreciate about your boss.
  23. Notice positive traits about your colleagues.
  24. Spend time with loved ones.
  25. Think of something great that has happened to you in the last year.
  26. Write a thank you note to a colleague.
  27. Refrain from gossip or speaking negatively about others.
  28. Compliment a stranger.
  29. Express your thankfulness for life’s hardships.
  30. Start a gratitude journal

Love, light and glitter


33 thoughts on “30 days of gratitude challenge

        1. I plan on doing it Sunday till Thursday’s coz of shabbat. I may have time fridays but can’t give myself pressure as that will be counter productive. Others would probably do Monday to Thursday. I find it interesting how people start their week on different days depending where they come from and culture.
          It’ll be good to keep at it or make a schedule that will keep to.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. hey I read all that in your post, slow down, breathe and do what you can when you can … I will pick and choose which ones I’ll do when. No pressure Eliza, just whenever you’re ready πŸ™‚

            Liked by 1 person

  1. Great ideas, Eliza! The blocks on which we build happiness. Give joy a good foundation, and see what you can construct.

    Who knows? The world eventually may get an eighth wonder, and one from the modern age, no less!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. πŸ™‚ wonders of the world. The world is filled with awesomeness and people like you highlight it and make us aware of the smallest of things.

      Love, light and glitter

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah, Eliza, so kind!

        We all need others, don’t we? For example, without your though-provoking posts, would so much have made itself made itself obvious to me?

        It helps to get the “40,000-foot view,” as we’re too busy down here on the ground, being, well…ourselves. Very good, but one of us needs to bounce up every once in a while to see the light glittering just over the next ridge.

        One of the many benefits to our being such a social species. We congregate for a reason!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! Looking forward. Hoping to do it next week sun to tuesday, and the next week I’m not sure when. Thereafter sun to thurs. You can do whichever you like and whenever it works for you.

      Thanks for joining! πŸ™‚

      I really want to focus on and appreciate the good, and also get out of my own head more.

      Love, light and glitter

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is really nice – a great idea and I just read a quote on gratitude earlier today so went into my internet history to find it and share it with you as it moved me:

    When we learn to be thankful for even the most seemingly inconsequential of things, we are training ourselves how to live in the moment and to fuel positive thoughts in that moment, which leads to positive feelings of contentment and happiness, which lead to positive, constructive behavior. – Danny Brandon

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yep, count me in. I have been doing this since the beginning of the year, it was a tough start our old cat died in my arms at just turned midnight. So ai reminded myself in my time of grief that she had a wonderful long life, with us all her life. Then every morning before I opened my eyes I said thank you for my husband, my son, my dogs, my cats, the warm bed ai wake up in, and so much more. I am going to share this to my blog, hopefully others will join. ❀️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Rosie. I appreciate it and am looking forward to seeing your answers….
      That’s actually my aim for it. To focus on what is good and what I’m grateful for and move onwards and upwards…
      Sending hugs your way…
      Love, light and glitter

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This time, WP hid your posts from me. Ugh…
    I think that’s a great challenge. I’d do it, but I know I won’t be able to keep up with it with everything going on. I need fewer things on my plate, not more.
    If you are worried about Shabbat, I’d recommend writing things on a piece of paper and then post it the following day. That requires extra work, but it’s a possibility.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. πŸ™‚ wonders of the world. The world is filled with awesomeness and people like you highlight it and make us aware of the smallest of things.

    Liked by 1 person

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